jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

Record your video clip

How is everything going?

Today I would like to share with you a Video clip my classmates and I recorded. This video clip shows the story I mentioned in the last post about a girl called Lily. As I told in the previous post, the story tells us about a little girl called Lily who one day woke up in the middle in the forest. She will try to find her way back home with the help of some new friends, but she shouldn't trust everyone. We performed the different characters that appear in the story: Lily, the rabbit, the squirrel, the owl, the bear, and the fox.

We use the free version of Filmora 9 to join the different scenes we recorded and to edit the video. We didn't know about this programme before, but it was easy to use. It provides you a lot of options to edit backgrounds, images, and letters. As well, it has some templates to add letters like titles or credits. Moreover, it allows you to join videos, cut videos and add music to them. The only bad thing is that when we exported the video a big watermark appeared at the bottom of the video.

The creation process has been quite long but amazing and very funny because we have had a wonderful time recording and editing the video. It was also interesting to create our script and the storyboard to organize and visualize all the scenes we will record later. Besides, it was useful because we have discovered new programmes which can be used with our students to create and share digital content. Nevertheless, we found some problems with the fabric we used to create the chroma key because it wasn't totally smooth.

Here you have our video that is called: Finding Lily's house.

Also, you have here the link to our video: https://youtu.be/wgdaWwXCHmQ

This video has been created to literacy subject and it teaches one of the most common and well-known children's literature genre, the fable. It can be used at any level because the language is easy to understand for most of the students. Through fables, a lot of values can be taught to students in an attractive and close way, because the characters are animals, and they love them. Furthermore, they usually have illustrations and these are striking for kids. To introduce fables using ICTs is a way of updating and keeping them in children's life. In the same way, if students create a fable by themselves they could understand better the values it teaches, and they identify with the characters. Without a doubt, recording a video like this one is really advisable and rewarding for children.

Both my classmates and I think that the objectives we have planned at the beginning of this project have been achieved. These objectives are to teach some values to the students, to teach that every action has a consequence, and to teach that you have to be responsible for your acts. In addition, using this video we want to introduce traditional stories through another ICT tool. We think in this way the students will be more motivated and the literature genre will be more attractive form them.

So as I promised, you have now seen the second part of our activity.

I hope you enjoy our video clip of Finding Lily's house.

See you soon!

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