miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019

Reflect on your own super learning

Hello everyone!
How is everything going?

Today I would like to share with you the reflection I did about my learning on ICT subject. To do this reflection I decided to use different apps because I wanted to join together video, audio, and a presentation.

In the presentation, I described how my learning process was along the ICT course. Mainly I divided the Prezi into ten slides. In these slides I explained which were my expectations when I started the course, the prior knowledge I had before taking it and how it was structured. To explain its structure I just went through the different units and the activities we did. Furthermore, I told what I liked the most and least, and which were the activities I found more and less useful. In the same way, I commented which tools I will use as a teacher in my lessons, the key idea I take from the course and what the participation in this course has meant for me.

I used Prezi to create my presentation because I really like the app and I think you can create more visual and interactive slideshows. I've been using for many years and it never disappointed me. Moreover, it gives you a lot of options to present the slideshows or to share them. Another important thing is that is a free app.

After I designed my presentation I recorded myself presenting it using Screencastify. It is a Google Chrome screen recorder. It is one of the easiest ways to capture your entire desktop, browser tab or webcam. It was the first time I used it and I found it very useful and easy. Besides, it is for free, so you do not have to pay to use it. The only thing you need is to have a Google Account. When you record something it will be automatically saved at your Google Drive.

I recorded different videos until I have the right one. When I had it I just go to my Google Drive and I downloaded the video to upload it to Youtube and share it in my blog.

Here you have the Prezi I created to do my reflection on my super learning:

This is the link to my Prezi presentation: Reflection on my super learning about ICT subject

Also, you have here the video I recorded to explain my presentation:

I hope you like my presentation and my reflection.

This is my last post on this blog and it was a pleasure to share everything I learned with you.

See you!

Do not never forget we as teachers should continue our training because...

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