viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

Creation of a comic

Hello! How is everything going?

Today I would like to share with you a comic that I have created for CLIL History subject to introduce the topic of Romans in 4th grade.

But, before I show it to you, I will talk about the resource that I used to create the comic. I created the comic with...

Pixton is a useful app to create and share comics. It gives you the choice to add as many strips as you want for free. Moreover, you can find a lot of different backgrounds to create comics of whichever topic and a lot of characters too. Apart from that, you can create and personalize your own characters with 60 steps that give you many options to customize the clothes, the appearance, the colours and the complements. Also, you can choose between some face expressions and this is really important when you are creating a comic. Moreover, you can edit body characters' positions to make them more expressive

It was the first time that I use this app and it is quite easily to use. The only problem that I had was that at the beginning I registered myself as a teacher, so the app didn't give me enough tools to create a comic for free. However, if you register as a teacher, the app give you the opportunity to create your virtual classroom and share comics with your students. So if you want to have more options for free to create comics, you have to  register as an entertainer.

Apart from that, I think it is a good tool for students too. It is a safe place where they can create their own comics and share them with their classmates. Besides, it is easy to use, and it can develop and increase their creativity.

I really like the app and I will recommend it to other people. Nevertheless, it can be improved including more characters for free, giving you the opportunity to create more than 5 characters for free. As well, it will be useful for new users to include a video tutorial explaining the app.

This is my comic about Romans. I decided to create a comic to introduce this topic of the curriculum because I think is a good and attractive way to teach history facts to our students. When you're teaching history you don't usually use this kind of visual aids, so I think is interesting to introduce new ICT tools in the classroom.

I hope you enjoy my comic.

See you soon!

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