martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

Image attribution for a CLIL lesson

Hello everyone!

Today we have seen how to create a Creative Commons Licence for our Learning Journal with

Moreover, we saw how to cite and attribute an image that we want to use. To practise this new knowledge we chose and cite properly some images, which we are going to use for a CLIL lesson to explain some contents.

Our CLIL topic is The Universe. This is the third lesson that we are going to teach and the main topic are constellations. To teach children some well-known constellations we will use these images to make them more visual to students.

"Leo constellation". Image by darkmoon1968/ 1332 imágenes. CC

"Ursa Major constellation". Image by darkmoon1968/ 1332 imágenes. CC

"Pegasus constellation". Image by darkmoon1968/ 1332 imágenes. CC

I chose these images from Pixabay, a page where you can find a lot of images about different issues or topics. It is really useful, because you can find there the author of the images and this information helps you to cite the image correctly.

These images will help me to show students how some constellations are and the picture that we associate to each one.

I hope you like this post.

See you soon!

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